I was driving down Sunset Blvd., on the way to visit my girlfriend and as I am driving past the 101-South on-ramp, I am slowly approaching this very large Mercedes with limo-tint. I noticed through the glass that the driver had a very large, very blond, fu manchu. Low and beyond, as my mouth drops, I realize that the driver is none other then, Hulk Hogan. I was shocked, pleasantly so as I realized that I just passed one of my heros, to the point where I broke, and almost stopped my pickup. Too bad I didn't have a camera with me, because I wanted to say high to the Hulkster.
AP Photo/Ron Edmonds How bad are things going for the administration of George W. Bush? When Chinese President Hu Jintao came to Washington for an official State visit, push wouldn't let go of Hu because he needed someone to protect him from El Cucuy... the boogeymen in the press corps. Everything seems to be going wrong for Bush. In a period of a few weeks, as immigrant rallies, indicted Republican politicians, a domestic policy adrift... Bushies are jumping ship. The first to get the boot were Chief of Staff Andy Card and Press Secretary Scott McClellan. And for those who work close with VP Dick "Sureshot" Cheney, watch your back son!
Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images
Did I mention that President Bush's approval ratings are at 32% according to CNN. Even the Los Angeles Times has written in support of President Bush firing Cheney from the post of Vice President. When was the last time a major newspaper suggested firing a Vice President? Can we say Spiro Agnew, former-Vice President under Richard Nixon, who was himself indicted.
Hello George, this is deja vu calling... do you get the picture?
So as Georgie is rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titantic... err... the Administration, all of us can push forward for some real changes, by calling everyone we know to donate to the Democratic Party! Do what you can to make a difference and fight the man.
Things are getting so bad that when I went to Unocal 76 in Hollywood to get a refill I saw some people battling it out for $3.25/gallon gasoline.
It was straight Road Warrior up in that son of a bitch, pretty soon we are going to be fighting off motorcycle gangs for the last liter of petrol if we don't get a better government in power to start the switch to hybrids. We need some motherfuckers to kick some ass and take some names, and I say we start with the heads of Exxon Mobil!
I will leave on a lighter note... my Oakland Athletics are back fighting off the wealthy masses, defying the odds and marching towards the World Series. A few of us are gonna try to catch some games, so keep in touch if you wanna come. Check out pictures of the proposed new stadium the A's may be building in Fremont:
Hopefully the new stadium will get built before I am senile. The A's need a new stadium like Dick Cheney needs Lipitor!
I saw a preview recently for Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth... yes Al Gore, our would be 43rd President. Powerful stuff about how our world is changing before our eyes. Check out the trailer.
I think yesterday, more then any other day in my life, was the moment with which I saw a movement, born. With my father marching in Fresno, my mom marching in Providence, Rhode Island and millions of others marching in over 100 cities in the United States, I saw the most massive organized movement ever built in my lifetime. Perhaps as strong as the most powerful actions taken during the 1960s, it was amazing to feel the positive energy generated by the unity that was shown yesterday.
My girlfriend and I went to Placita Olvera in Downtown L.A. to protest the lack of immigration reform by congress and the President. We were there with thousands of people, young and old as you can see by the picture above. It was truly a beautiful sight, with young kids walking with signs that say "I am a human being," and "I love America," and older men walking along side them in botas and baseball caps. From every color and creed you could think of, this common cause brought together a unified people that formed a unified voice.
The most pleasant development I have seen over the past few days has been the stories that have been coming out in the press regarding the growth of this movement for immigration reform. In particular, from African-American journalists like Juan Williams and Eugene Robinson, it is important to see the similarities that this movement has taken with that of the civil rights movement. Pay particular attention to the fact that no one person has stepped up to the helm as the spokesperson for the movement, it is as if this mass of people has formed a cohesive unit to make their voices heard.
Courtesy Rob Schumacher/AP
The Los Angeles Times carried two letters written by sisters who are students at L.A.'s Roosevelt High School. Both are undocumented, and tell two different stories about there experiences, here and here.
Now that these people have flexed their political muscle, it sounds like congressional Republican leaders may be folding on the issue of classifying undocumented immigrants as felons.
Courtesy Dennis Cook/AP
Doesn't it look like Bob Menendez is gonna kick Bill Frist's ass?! All I know is that when Easter recess ends, these guys will be scrambling to get a bill to the President. Keep tuned to Lou Dobbs to see when the next blood is spilled.
And one last thing, who the fuck declared the author of a fourth-rate piece of shit book called, The Dirty Girls Social Club, as an immigration expert? Anderson Cooper had her on his show, and had to ask her to stop yelling on the program, when arguing with some bozo arguing the opposite side. Please someone at CNN, call NCLR or CHCI and save us the earaches of listening to uninformed tripe. Just because your surname is spanish does not make you an qualified authority on an issue. That's why I keep my shit to myself and friends.
I saw V for Vendetta the other day with Jenni, my friend Celia and her little sister... it was mildly entertaining. Later on in the week, I met up with my sister for some italian food at Giovanni's in Culver City and a bottle of Chianti. At dinner my sister told me about Natalie Portman rapping on SNL. I had to post this shit...
Okay, y'all... so I take this moment to eat a little bit of crow. As you may remember I poked fun at the HBO film, Walkout, which depicted the struggles of Chicano students who organized the largest high school protest in American history.
I thought that the film, while very informative, not the most likely to win an Emmy. I also didn't expect a great number of people to see it, even though I hoped I was wrong. Well people I was wrong...
I am sitting at my desk in my office in Echo Park and I hear yelling, cheering and police sirens. I look out my door and I see hundreds of Belmont High School students streaming down Sunset Blvd. It was crazy, in all almost 30,000 students walked out of LAUSD schools and more then 40,000 in California.
Even students from my high school protested... atleast that was what my mother told me. My dad's friend Isa called me and told me that students were protesting in a town next to my hometown, a farm community. Protests in Central California; you'd think it was the 1960s again. I am glad students expressed their points of view, but once should be enough people, school is there for you to learn and for you to educate. Spend some time reading about the issues so that you know what you are protesting and why. And don't forget to contact your federal representatives and express your opinion to them after you have educated yourself on the issues. All you need is your zip code to find out who your congressman is.
And one last thing, I think it is great that we Latinos have a lot of ethnic pride, but when you are marching for legal recognition and justice in the United States, you should take to waving the American Flag more often.