Walkout America...

Courtesy: Associated Press
Okay, y'all... so I take this moment to eat a little bit of crow. As you may remember I poked fun at the HBO film, Walkout, which depicted the struggles of Chicano students who organized the largest high school protest in American history.
I thought that the film, while very informative, not the most likely to win an Emmy. I also didn't expect a great number of people to see it, even though I hoped I was wrong. Well people I was wrong...

I am sitting at my desk in my office in Echo Park and I hear yelling, cheering and police sirens. I look out my door and I see hundreds of Belmont High School students streaming down Sunset Blvd. It was crazy, in all almost 30,000 students walked out of LAUSD schools and more then 40,000 in California.
Even students from my high school protested... atleast that was what my mother told me. My dad's friend Isa called me and told me that students were protesting in a town next to my hometown, a farm community. Protests in Central California; you'd think it was the 1960s again. I am glad students expressed their points of view, but once should be enough people, school is there for you to learn and for you to educate. Spend some time reading about the issues so that you know what you are protesting and why. And don't forget to contact your federal representatives and express your opinion to them after you have educated yourself on the issues. All you need is your zip code to find out who your congressman is.
What law is under consideration in the Senate?

And one last thing, I think it is great that we Latinos have a lot of ethnic pride, but when you are marching for legal recognition and justice in the United States, you should take to waving the American Flag more often.
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