Barrio Patrol

If you can't beat 'em, confuse 'em...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Have You Had Enough?

On the 6th Anniversary of the attacks by Al Qaeda terrorists on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and innocent passenengers on american airliners, the Bush Administration decided to acknowledge the loss of thousands of innocent civilians by sending their patsies to continue the sale of the Iraq War to the Senate Foreign Relations committee.

Photo Via NY Times

Army General David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker presented their half-baked White House presentation to an extremely skeptical committee.

These two men were charged with presenting a rose colored view of the realities on the ground in Iraq and they could do little to even convince the Republicans on the committee that "staying the course" would be worth it.

Via N.Y. Times:
Senator John W. Warner, Republican of Virginia, who is one of the party’s leading voices on foreign policy, asked whether the current strategy in Iraq was “making America safer.” General Petraeus retreated to an explanation that he was doing his best “to achieve our objectives in Iraq.” But when pressed again, he said: “Sir, I don’t know, actually.”

After 6 years, all we are doing is trying not to get too many troops shot at the same time trying to maintain peace. In fact, the most critical issue, the reconciliation of sectarian parties in Iraq has not progressed according to the Government Accountability Office's report on progress in Iraq. This article by Karen De Young and Tom Ricks of the Washington Post is a must read.

So what is the explanation that we get from the administration about what we need to know about why we are still in Iraq and not fighting Al Qaeda in its base in South Asia? I think this clip from Being Bobby Brown best describes the reasons...

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