A New Civil Rights Movement
Courtesy Wally Skalj/LAT
I think yesterday, more then any other day in my life, was the moment with which I saw a movement, born. With my father marching in Fresno, my mom marching in Providence, Rhode Island and millions of others marching in over 100 cities in the United States, I saw the most massive organized movement ever built in my lifetime. Perhaps as strong as the most powerful actions taken during the 1960s, it was amazing to feel the positive energy generated by the unity that was shown yesterday.
My girlfriend and I went to Placita Olvera in Downtown L.A. to protest the lack of immigration reform by congress and the President. We were there with thousands of people, young and old as you can see by the picture above. It was truly a beautiful sight, with young kids walking with signs that say "I am a human being," and "I love America," and older men walking along side them in botas and baseball caps. From every color and creed you could think of, this common cause brought together a unified people that formed a unified voice.
The most pleasant development I have seen over the past few days has been the stories that have been coming out in the press regarding the growth of this movement for immigration reform. In particular, from African-American journalists like Juan Williams and Eugene Robinson, it is important to see the similarities that this movement has taken with that of the civil rights movement. Pay particular attention to the fact that no one person has stepped up to the helm as the spokesperson for the movement, it is as if this mass of people has formed a cohesive unit to make their voices heard.
Courtesy Rob Schumacher/AP
The Los Angeles Times carried two letters written by sisters who are students at L.A.'s Roosevelt High School. Both are undocumented, and tell two different stories about there experiences, here and here.
Now that these people have flexed their political muscle, it sounds like congressional Republican leaders may be folding on the issue of classifying undocumented immigrants as felons.
Courtesy Dennis Cook/AP
Doesn't it look like Bob Menendez is gonna kick Bill Frist's ass?! All I know is that when Easter recess ends, these guys will be scrambling to get a bill to the President. Keep tuned to Lou Dobbs to see when the next blood is spilled.
And one last thing, who the fuck declared the author of a fourth-rate piece of shit book called, The Dirty Girls Social Club, as an immigration expert? Anderson Cooper had her on his show, and had to ask her to stop yelling on the program, when arguing with some bozo arguing the opposite side. Please someone at CNN, call NCLR or CHCI and save us the earaches of listening to uninformed tripe. Just because your surname is spanish does not make you an qualified authority on an issue. That's why I keep my shit to myself and friends.
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