Barrio Patrol

If you can't beat 'em, confuse 'em...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Before You Accuse Me...

Take a look at the Republicans...

As you can see, with a flailing economy, corruption infesting the Congressional Republican leadership and finally a Bush administration admitting that it has no plan to win the peace in Iraq, they are flip flopping away into oblivion. With just under two weeks left until the 2006 mid-term elections, the Republicans' true colors have been exposed for the country to see, and it is up to us to seize this moment and vote for leadership, change and sanity! I for one will be taking vacation time to visit Philadelphia to help out on a race in the suburbs.

This election cycle has brought us to point where we can change the direction of this country at the ballot box. My question is, have you all had enough of this vitriol, corruption and greed? Have you had enough:

This ad, which has been replicated in dozens of battleground races across the country and asks the most relevant question to all of us. I for one have had enough and I am inspired about the kind of leadership that is going to be coming to Washington to cleanup the Capital. Here are a couple of examples of what good ol' meat and potatoes, people-powered progressivism can bring to America.

Jon Tester for U.S. Senate, Montana:

And what kind of candidate does the Republican Party put up as an example of leadership? Try Tom Reynolds, head of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, one of the many bozos involved in FoleyGate:

Nice try Tom, you can't clean your record protecting a child predator by surrounding yourself by a kindergarten class from Buffalo. There ain't any avoiding the inevitable, even Denny Hastert had to do a perp walk today.

The difference that lies between the Republicans and the Democrats is that they govern through fear and intimidation, they are bereft of principles and ideas. The saying by Lord Acton:
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Democrats govern from that Jeffersonian princple that all Americans shall be born with the power to achieve: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I leave all of you with Keith Olbermann, that great orator who paraphrases Franklin Delano Roosevelt in illustrating this stark difference in princple and leadership.

Take a look at yourself and see what you can do for America.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oakland Stroke

For the first time since 1992, the Oakland Athletics, champions of the American League Western Division, are on their way to the American League Championship Series. To get a taste of their sweep of the Minnesota Twins, check this video out:

In other news, the A's, who have been playing in the Oakland Coliseum since 1966, may be moving to Fremont, California. There is talk that the A's owners, Lew Wolff and John Fisher, of GAP fame, are planning on building a proposed 38,000-seat stadium off Interstate 880. Here is a rendering of the new park:

A new stadium would do the A's some good, a place worthy of a hard working team.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The October Surprise...

He had to walk around Capitol Hill telling everyone he was a pederast... That's right, no funky statement from Osama Bin Laden that Ann Coulter purports to be an endorsement of John Kerry. No dictators in Spider-holes. Just good old fashion Republican repugnant corruption, at the heart of a rotting political oligarchy.

If you haven't been sleeping in cave in Afghanistan over the past week, Florida Congressman Mark Foley, was implicated by various former congressional pages as a predatory pervert. Brought to you by Brian Ross:

As my boys from the Hotline!, Chuck Todd and John Mercurio can only lay out, the shit has hit the motherfucking fan on Capitol Hill! Are we in Bizarro Washington? Nope...

There is no escaping the fact that the Republican leadership, namely Speaker Denny Hastert and NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds were behind an effort to supress the allegations of harassment by Foley has chosen power before the public good... Bill Maher, summarizes the reality of how Republicans run this country and how much they care about protecting America.

It is time for Americans to stand up and make a stand to take back America!

And then there was Bill

You know, I grew up most of my conscious life in the 1990s. In the time that has passed since 9/11, I have have felt dismayed by the state of opposition to the current Bush Administration and the way that the people have capitulated to RightWing talking points. We as progressive Americans who wish to advance the economy of this country and wish to sacrifice what is necessary to fight a War against fundamentalist terroists who pervert religion, Islam to turn the masses against us, have for far too long been silent or unmoving in our words. But no more, for our great President, William Jefferson Clinton, has reentered tv to set us straight, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Watch these segments and sear his words in your mind. Let's take back our country...



Never forget what you stand for, and move forward to take back this country.!