The October Surprise...
He had to walk around Capitol Hill telling everyone he was a pederast... That's right, no funky statement from Osama Bin Laden that Ann Coulter purports to be an endorsement of John Kerry. No dictators in Spider-holes. Just good old fashion Republican repugnant corruption, at the heart of a rotting political oligarchy.
If you haven't been sleeping in cave in Afghanistan over the past week, Florida Congressman Mark Foley, was implicated by various former congressional pages as a predatory pervert. Brought to you by Brian Ross:
As my boys from the Hotline!, Chuck Todd and John Mercurio can only lay out, the shit has hit the motherfucking fan on Capitol Hill! Are we in Bizarro Washington? Nope...
There is no escaping the fact that the Republican leadership, namely Speaker Denny Hastert and NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds were behind an effort to supress the allegations of harassment by Foley has chosen power before the public good... Bill Maher, summarizes the reality of how Republicans run this country and how much they care about protecting America.
It is time for Americans to stand up and make a stand to take back America!
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