Barrio Patrol

If you can't beat 'em, confuse 'em...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

When it doubt... blame a Mexican.

If you haven't heard already seen on t.v. we are approaching the 1st Anniversary of the destruction of Hurricane Katrina or as MSNBC calls it, Mission Unaccomplished. Just so we you didn't forget how incompetently the Bush Administration mangled the recovery in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, good old Georgie has come back for a second helping of, "were gonna get the terro... er... hurricanes. What pisses me off to no end is that as the new Hurricane season is starting in North America, the first big one headed our way has been named Ernesto. That is just a bunch of horseshit.

You know when things get bad, the GOP always finds someone to attack when have fucked up some aspect of our country: when the economy tanked, it was the liberals, in 2004 is was the gay mafia. Last year it was public broadcasting, because of course, because Henrietta Pussycat was a pinko feminist and Daniel Striped Tiger was a closet case according to them. This year has been the year of the illegals and we can't let them take our country and bring us their hurricanes.

New rule, from now on, all major natural disasters must be named after members of the Bush administration, and must include their titles as well. Let's start with Cheney, with his quintuple bypasses and the scorchin' case of gout, he doesn't have far to go. Might as well call the Israel-Lebanon War, the Condelezza Smackdown with the way she fucked up that diplomatic effort. And save Alberto Gonzalez and Carlos Gutierrez for later, you can't get those two past me Georgie boy. As you leave Nawlins' the band is playing some dixieland as you get the hell out of Dodge.

It's Gonna be a Long, Long Time to Touchdown...

As I sat in my apartment watching Comedy Central about a week ago, I came across a great piece of t.v. history as I watched the Roast of William Shatner, the great Capt. Kirk. I must say, it is the greatest interpretation of an Elton John song, that I have ever heard.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Will you be the Decider?

Is it just me or have the Republicans just lost their damned minds?

Aside from all that "if you are not with us, you are for the terrorist" bullshit, aren't people getting sick and tired of having to wake up to this as the face of American leadership?

I mean crap people, you went from Chicken Salad to Chicken Shit from one president to the next and now we all have to eat this shit-sandwich for another 3 years? I am sick and tired of this... so let us all do something about this and make some change. Let there be no doubt about the need for change.

To remind us of the need to change let us look back at the words of MSNBC's great Keith Olbermann one year ago to remind us, almost a year after the horrible disaster and suffering brought on by a Hurricane and compounded by our own delusional government, that we deserve better.

Thanks Keith, and get the word out people.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Great Civics Lesson of 2006

Stephen Colbert interviews Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate for the District of Columbia. Enjoy peoples.