The Fresno Fair
This weekend Nicosan travels back to the breadbasket of the world, the Central Valley to visit some old ghosts, I mean haunts. I will be visiting the Fresno Fair this weekend with my girlfriend and family, a ritual that was has been a family staple since birth, but that I have not done in 6 years or so. It shall be interesting with lots of the things Fresno is known for: babies, livestock, turquoise jewelry and food. Ah, how I have been missed a good, live calf birth in the morning, warms the coquels of my heart.
In reality, the whole trip to the fair revolves around food. There are the great American classics, Corn Dogs, Frozen Bananas and Shish Kebobs oh my!! I have been dreaming about a cinnamon roll from the fair for 6 years, how I do miss that Canela goodness. My heart is palpitating as we speak. There isn't a great deal more to the fair, not much more you would like to buy or anything of that nature, but it definitely provides for people watching and good ol' fashion Fresno fun.
Oh how we love you Fresno, and you too Clovis, with your FFA members and their Bush/Cheney Hitler Youth buttons, it brings me back to the warmth of our heartland in California. But all jest aside, it is cool visiting home. As a farm kid myself, I miss nature, especially living in this bastion of urban sprawl that is LA, I miss being in the peace of things.
My girlfriend is so nervous about being good around my family, but she doesn't need to worry, they like her a lot, once we chill at the fair, everything will be right as rain. I will make sure to take pictures for you, to show all the agri-goodness that we indulge in at the Big Fresno Fair!
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